Tuesday 6 November 2012

I relaxed my hair!!!

Hey guys sorry I been a bit quiet and haven’t blogged in awhile. So let’s continue from where I left off. The last article was about my hairline update. I got my hair relaxed after that update. Before my final decision I was torn between relaxing or going natural again, so I choose relaxing. I have told you guys how my texlaxed  hair just wouldn’t relax so I gave my hair one more chance after I undid my weave. Ever since I started I relaxing my hair I had been self-relaxing it so this time I decided to let the hairdresser do it incase I might not have been doing it right and guess what, it came out so well it was actually over relaxed. I washed it after 2 days as I thought it was over-fried during the relaxing process so I wanted to make it a bit thicker. I used TCB super relaxer so since it was successful I will continue to use it from now on. My next relaxer  will be beginning of January 2013 which will mark my 12 weeks from the previous one. Currently I have a full weave. I begged my hairdresser to still leave out my hairline as its still in the process of recovery and im still contuining with my castor oil regime. Im a one product type of person so I only use castor oil in my hair and nothing else.

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