I first heard about the magic formula CASTOR OIL after a page was suggested to me on my facebook. I havent looked back since. I got on and started on the castor oil journey last september but sadly stopped as I couldn’t afford paying 5US dollars for a 50ml bottle of castor oil. it was my bad on not stocking up when I left South Africa for Zimbabwe. after all a 100ml bottle of pure castor oil costs R10. it just didnt make sense that i pay 5 tyms more for half the milliliters. so i
switched to olive oil straight from the kitchen cupboard. olive oil is just as good but ill leave that to the next post. i have started that 12months castor oil challenge and this time im stocked for the whole period so ill take you with me through this journey. during the short period i used castor oil i had NO DANDRUFF what so ever. I used to have a very flaky scalp so I was amused to see none at all. Castor oil is also a hair grower, very good and quick on repairing the hairline. i also learnt that for people like me with very thin eyebrows applying castor oil daily before you go to sleep will help thicken them. so my day will cum when i can go finally get my virgin eyebrows tweezed and shaped as there’s currently and in all my 24 years there has been nothing to tweeze. Small amounts should be used as it is very thick and can run on your face.
Im also using it on my face as i heard it helps have clear smooth skin. i will post before and after pictures in a months time so you will be able to see the results.
Castor oil comes in different flavours but only PURE Castor oil should be used
Here are the benefits of castor oil.
- hair growth
- eliminates dandruff
- eyebrow growth
- clears the skin
- stomach cramps
- great for dry skin
- laxative
- treats boils, acne and fungal infections
- helps with constipation
- anti aging oil(better than in-store creams)
- helps fade pimple spots and dark marks
REMEMBER a little oil goes a long way!!